Slips and trips are the most common cause of major injuries at work.
Around 90% of these are broken bones. The costs to industry are substantial (over £500 million per year) and there is incalculable human cost and suffering to those injured.
Floor cleaning is significant in causing slip and accidents.
Legal actions following an injury can be extremely damaging to business, especially where the public is involved. Insurance only covers a small part of the cost. Effective solutions are often simple, inexpensive.
Where cleaning is carried out effectively, it can make the difference between a floor being an unacceptably high slip risk or an acceptably low slip risk.
Almost all slips happen when floors are wet or dirty (for example contaminated with water, oil, food debris, dust etc). If the floor has a smooth surface (for example the surfaces of standard vinyl, glazed ceramic tiles, varnished wood and some metal floors are all often very smooth) even a tiny amount of contamination can present a real slip problem.
People rarely slip on clean dry floors.
What the law says
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSW Act) requires employers to ensure the health and safety of their employees and others who may be affected by their work activity. For instance, contractors have a general duty towards their client and vice versa. It also requires employees not to endanger themselves or others and use any safety equipment provided.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 build on the HSW Act and include duties on employers to assess slip and trip risks to employees and others who may be affected by their work activity and take action to control these risks.
Safe Kleen
A highly dilutable Multi Purpose Cleaner with a unique combination of surface active agents.
Safe Kleen was originally developed as a pre-treatment and after care cleaning product for applications of Safe Grip Anti Slip Treatment. But due to the unique combination of surface active agents, sequestrants and alkaline builders the product has excellent cleaning abilities for the removal of dirt, grease, oil and grime making it a truly versatile multi purpose cleaner for virtually all types of surfaces and materials.
A Safe Grip anti slip treated floor is a safer surface to walk on when wet
Don’t slip up on safety – apply Safe Grip Anti Slip Treatment to slippery floors.
Safe Grip Anti Slip Treatment is a transparent anti slip flooring solution, which has a very low odour. It can be applied to a variety of surfaces, both internal and external, radically improving the slip resistance of the floor when wet.